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Lavished With God's Goodness

#40--Steps to Peace

Psalms, Proverbs                                                  

This is the end of our series Finding Quiet Streams.  We love you and pray you are closer to Jesus because of this journey we have taken you on.  If we can be of any further assistance to you please notify or look over our Products.  Believe GOD is a complete working Discipleship Library if you are now ready to study the Bible.

You are precious to Jesus and we value you.  You are of great worth.

Prayer Psalm 31:19-24

How great is the goodness You have stored up for those who fear You.




You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them.

You shelter them in Your presence, far from accusing tongues.

Lord, we claim these verses for our lives.

Let us see the goodness You have stored up for us.

Let us be lavished in your goodness because we have come to You for protection. 

Thank You for blessing us before the watching world.

Thank You that not only are we blessed to go to heaven and be in Your presence for all eternity but also You will bless us before our peers.

Thank You Lord for hiding us in Your shelter away from those demons who conspire against us.

Thank you Lord, for sheltering us from accusing tongues.

We praise you Lord for Your holiness and Your grace and Your mercy. 

We come boldly again to Your throne of grace and expect Your mercy for we are continually needy.

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


With God's love,  Judy

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