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  Psalms, Proverbs                                           Psalm 91

Living In God's Protection

#4--Steps to Peace

One of the things that has helped other women was living in our home for our home is filled with the peace of God. 

We don't watch or listen to anything that encourages evil. 

Scary movies and vile music is obvious, but we are much pickier than that.  Even watching a borderline sitcom can encourage us to lose our peace. 

We know that our house is the Lord's and have asked Him to protect it. 

We have asked God to fill our home with His love and His peace and His protection. 

We pray the blood of Jesus over our home.  I urge you to do the same in your home, in your living quarters, office, and even in motel rooms.

These verses in Philippians 4 are a good guideline for what we should be watching and listening to:


Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

My dear, if you want, I would love to  teach you so many things about God and the Bible.  It is so incredibly awesome to live loving God and eagerly wanting to obey Him.  I urge you to taste and see that the Lord is good.


We can't spend too much time with God; but we can spend too little.

GOD wants to be our “Fortress”, our” Stronghold”. 

I saw a cool picture in a Christian book store once of Jesus being the good shepherd and a weak lamb was standing very close to him.  On a bluff in the distance was a large wolf.  The wolf could not touch the lamb because he was close to the Shepherd.  And the same is true of us, the closer we are to Jesus, the harder it is for the enemy to attack us.  Psalm 91 is an awesome Psalm for God's protection.


There are conditions for God's protection: first, we must  ask for it and secondly, we must choose to live in it. Remember that God knows everything we have done and still loves us and wants to rescue us.  Because God is Perfect and Holy, none of us are truly worthy to have God’s protection.  That is why God’s provisions for us are never based on us being worthy—instead it has everything to do with us being humble enough to ask for help.

The first condition is that we must choose to make the Lord Jesus Christ our refuge.  He must be our source or protection, he is where we run when we are hurting.

Let me pray Psalm 91 for you today. Please replace your name wherever you see (NAME)

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:  He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is [NAME]’s God, and [NAME] trusts Him.
For God will rescue [NAME] from every trap and protect [NAME] from deadly disease.
God will cover [NAME] with His feathers.
God will shelter [NAME] with His wings.


God’s faithful promises are [NAME]’s armor and protection. 

(Much like a hen protects her chicks from danger by gathering them under her wings, so God wants us close to Him so that He might protect us from danger.  A mother hen will die protecting her chicks and Jesus Christ died so that we might live)

Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at [NAME]’s side; though ten thousand are dying around [NAME], these evils will not touch [NAME].  Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished.


If [NAME] makes the Lord her refuge, if [NAME] makes the Most High her shelter,
NO EVIL WILL CONQUER HER; no plague will come near her home.

For God will order His angels to protect [NAME] wherever she goes.
They will hold [NAME] up with their hands so [NAME] won’t even hurt her foot on a stone.
[NAME] will trample upon lions and cobras; and [NAME] will crush fierce lions and serpents under her feet!  (Names given to devil in the Bible)

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.  I will protect those who trust in My name. 

When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with [NAME] and others in trouble. 

I will rescue and honor [NAME].
I will reward [NAME] with a long life and give [NAME] My Salvation.

God is enough.  Whatever our problems are, God is enough.  God and God alone can help you get through any and all  hard times.

With God’s help you can be free.

Love, Judy

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