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The Devil Is The Enemy Of Our Souls

#2--Steps to Peace

  New Testament                               Ephesians 6:10-13

The devil is the enemy of our souls. 

The Bible calls the devil a liar and a thief.  His purpose and plan is to kill, steal, and destroy anything and everything he can. 

God tells us that He, God Almighty, has a plan for you, a plan for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. 

That is God’s plan for each of us.  The devil does everything he can to kill, steal, and destroy all that God wants to give us.

Only Jesus Christ can defeat the power of the devil. 

The Bible tells us that those who are living without the salvation of Jesus Christ are like puppets in the hands of the devil. 

He pulls their string and they perform.  His influence is great and wide for he is called the prince of this world. 

He influences all of the things that influence man and therefore he can make us miserable in so many different ways.

As many of you may struggle with attacks from the enemy, my dear sister, I also struggle with attacks from the devil. 

The devil hates each of us because we are created in the image of God and God loves us.  The devil is always planning ways to destroy or steal from us.

No matter what he might promise, he lies.  The devil has only hatred for humans and destruction is his only plan. 

He hates me, because of my commitment to Jesus and my efforts to show him up for who he really is. 

He hates it that I am writing you right now and would kill me if he could, but he can't touch me because I am safe in the arms of Jesus. 

The more I try to do, in the name of Jesus, for other people, the more the enemy tries to stop me but his teeth have been pulled by the “Lion of Judah”!

Yes,  I do understand the workings of the devil. 

I have studied him, as revealed in the Bible. 

I have also read many of the great old Christian saints writings on spiritual warfare. 

Life is a battle; the Bible gives us the weapons for victory. 

We will win when we use God’s weapons and let our Lord Jesus Christ lead us.

Here is a scriptural pledge for you according to Ephesians 6:10-13  (Please personalize the prayer by putting your name in place of  (NAME).

Finally, [NAME], be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Put on the full Armor of God so that [NAME] can take her stand against the devil’s schemes. 

For [NAME]’s struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

Therefore, put on the full Armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, [NAME] may be able to stand her ground and after [NAME] has done everything, to stand.


Even if you have been over your head in occult worship, even if the devil has told you that there is no escape from his grasp--that is a lie.

It does not matter if the attacks on your life have been seductive or violent,

the power of the Blood of Jesus will break the bondage that Satan has put on your life. 

There is always hope in Jesus. 

Jesus wants to break your bondages and you can and will be redeemed in Jesus Christ. 

Oh, how wonderfully powerful is the power of the Blood of Jesus and the power of the name of Jesus.

What my husband and I have done for many years, is listen to Christian praise music as much as possible. 

Years ago we listened to the Bible on tape every night.

Each of our grandkids goes to sleep each night listening to either the Bible or to praise music. 

The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. 

It is simple-- the more we listen and put the Bible in our hearts the more our faith grows.

When we listen to the Bible, even while sleeping, we are hearing, and our faith is growing. 

I urge you to do this! 

The enemy will scream so many things at you to try and keep you from doing it, because he knows

what whips him,

puts him in the corner, and

gives us victory. 

I even put my praise CD's on continuous play while I am out of my house. 

The devil hates to hear Jesus praised.  Not only does the praise music help me, but it defeats the devil.

If I were you, I would buy an I-Pod, I-Pad or download an app on your I-phone and download the Bible on it. 

For sure, put the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs on it. 

Listening to the books of Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Thessalonians, and Timothy and Titus are great.

They teach us how to live. 

I love the parts of the Old Testament that tell the history of the people. I have learned so much from the Old Testament, please don’t ignore it.

Let’s begin our fight for freedom.


With the love of Jesus, Judy

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